Monday, January 09, 2006

And to all, a good night. NOT!!

So, It's never a good sign when you ask your computer to reboot, and said computer reboots... and then takes it upon itself to reboot, and reboot, .. and reboot.

All in all, I'm sitting here at 5:00am on a Monday morning, technically the end of my workday, watching my week about to go down in flames. This is my primary work computer, my workhorse. I have backups on one other system and my laptop, but I'd like to think that this is the one that the other computers look to for guidance and advice.

I forsee a very long day ripping out computer parts and booting and rebooting and ripping out more computer parts to save this one. It's very much like surgery, only a little less messy. Oh oh, there it goes again about to reboot. Somebody get me the paddles


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