Thursday, January 05, 2006

And the Shout Out goes to

It's been an explosion this last year or so it seems, of good stuff on the internet. Reminds me in no small way of the early years of the dot com boom. Everybody was discovering the internet, everybody started a dot com and I couldn't aquire enough e-mail addresses. I stopped the count at 15 which I believe was offerred to me by Britannica Online. Hey, it was free, I took it. I'll figure out what to do with it later.

So, fast forward to 2005 and there appears to be a resurgence of good things, many in no small part to the competetive prodding by Google, the hosts of this here blog. 2.6gb email boxes, web 2.0 applications, open source versions of practically every type of software you need, from office applications to streaming media players ( kudos to the guys at vlc) and lots and lots more. You just have to look.

And now, the good guys over at OSFlash are making strides in what seems like every type of opensource flash app available, helping in many ways to promote the platform. When you're in the middle of it, you never realize how many people don't use words like Flash, and Flex and FlashCom on a daily basis until you're speaking to a colleage who incidentally also does web development, though in Java and he doesn't know about Flex or that Actionscript 3.0 is coming soon.

So, I'm going to do my part in giving a shout out to the cool guys over at RED5, also part of osflash and say, keep doing good work guys.

Opensource ROCKS!!!

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