Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Client Woes

There's got to be something said for finding a new line of work when you spend the majority of your day feeling like you want to pull your hair out, tie it into a whip and beat clients with it.

I think I'm stuck in a rut. I'm stuck and I can't get out. Its enough I hear stories about the clients who unfortunately get stuck with the incompetent designer, and end up with websites that look like they were designed in Frontpage express and imported from 1996. I feel bad for the client and pray they find someone that better represents the profession next time.

And then I have to pick up the phone and beg my clients to keep up with their end of the bargain and I beg and I beg. I get frustrated and end up like I felt in the first paragraph and a little part of me feels a little less bad about the design hack. I curse them with the prospect of ending up with one for their next design project.

Considering the above, I'm sure there is a valid argument for having a little ying ( The bad designers and 'good' clients) and a little yang ( The good designers and the clients that suck). It's what creates the balance.

I HATE balance.

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