Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Drive-in Web

With YouTube, Yahoo video and Podcasting gaining in popularity on a daily basis, video on the web is certainly nothing new.  Over the last year though, video seems to have moved up in the world with television networks.  This week, as most major networks ( cbs, nbc, abc , fox) are premiering their new season of shows, it's really encouraging to see the networks picking up from where left off last spring, bringing a lot of their programming to a growing web audience giving us the opportunity to catch up on previous episodes and previewing what's coming up next.  As the networks also seem to be realizing, it helps a great deal in promoting new shows that don't have an established audience.

For a long time, the issue has been which plugin/platform would be the best medium to deliver this content over the web along with the available bandwidth and names like Real Video and QuickTime come into play.  While pretty good platforms on their own, without a doubt, those mediums have always been plagued with the issues of installation and updates across different platforms, but lately, that seems to be less of an issue to many of them who opt for using flash video, a platform for which the word ubiquitous was coined.  The evolution of the new web continues.

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