Friday, November 18, 2005

Mississipi Delta Blues

I love this city. Even more, I love this city in the winter. Something about the cold air typical of this time of the year seems to make everything a little bit clearer. The sun seems brighter, the sky is a beautiful cloudless blue on most days and even the music sounds better as I was reminded today by the Mississipi Delta Blues, one of the many "underground" bands that fill the subways at rush hour.

This band consisted of a feisty old Black man on a guitar singing the blues accompanied by a Chinese guy on bass guitar. I couldn't find a cooler "New York Melting Pot" poster than that if I tried. As it happens occassionally, I went out today without today for a meeting with a client sans camera and I couldn't capture the moment

But that's alright. As I was reminded by the "Alex Lo Dico Jazz Ensemble" one stop later, the good times keep rolling.

On a seperate note, Spark, Europe's premier flash festival begins today.

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